Thursday, October 3, 2013

the numbers.. [dedicated to my best friend, Lindsay]

hello friends. :)
how are you today?

do you ever feel less of a person because of the numbers in your life?  your grades? height? weight? IQ? number of friends? age?

guess what...the numbers do not matter.

your age is just a human defined measure of time.  God loves you no less because you are thirty instead of twenty. (and so do i)

your weight is just a measurement of gravity and the Earth, again, human defined.  although there are reasons to control it, God loves you the same stick skinny or not.

your grades are just a representation of your ability to take a test or remember information.  even though you need better than a C to be an average student, the human definition is just that...defined by humans.  God sees you as a child of His, not a C average student.

see the pattern...?  God is your Creator, He is the Judge in the end, your Constant in between.  He does not love you based on the human defined measures of greatness: numbers.

God loves you, and so do i!

smiles and hugs :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


hey everybody!
two posts in a month?! i must have so much time on my hands... :) just kidding, i have something to share with you all that couldn't wait.

do you know why you get scabs?

*nerd alert* scabs form on your body over an injury so the inside can heal first.  the scab is basically a protective covering so healing can take place from the inside out, rather than healing the skin and leaving a wound inside.  this could cause an infection anyways. so our bodies work really well (it is because they have a wondrous Creator), but today i would like you to know that scabs are not just physical.

think about the last time you've been hurt, not physically, but emotionally or mentally, or however. (don't dwell on it too long, just long enough to remember the feeling) just like in our bodies God's wonderful creative ability shines through as our wounds heal from the inside to the outside creating a completely fixed area, His creativity in spiritual healing is just as amazing.  the last time you were hurt, it probably took awhile for the hurt to heal, you perhaps were really touchy around specific subjects for awhile.  first, the physical pain of the hurt probably went away, although you probably still thought about it frequently.  next, your thought frequency on the subject diminished.  then when people talked about subjects relating to the hurt, you didn't react, and lastly, one day, the hurt was gone, leaving a faint scar, barely noticeable that just reminded you that you survived.  through the whole thing, there was a level of protection and extra comfort available from our Father, the scab.

was it a fun process? of course not, but now you are a survivor, stronger on the inside AND the outside due to the wonderful formation of that scab.

stay strong friends! remember, God created scabs! ***listen to this for further encouragement***

smiles, hugs, and laughter :)

p.s. scaB -- the 'b' stands for broken; scaR -- the 'r' stands for repaired :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

BIG news

hello my friends,
it has been awhile since we've spoken. (nursing school has abducted by social life) :)

being a full time student with a demanding(ish) job can be a big task.  think about the most overwhelming thing in your life right now, good or bad.  do you ever feel like you can't handle it, and just want to give up?  do you tell yourself someone else out there will take care of it, you're not good enough anyways?

guess what?! there is a Person out there that can help you get through it.  God is BIGGER than the most overwhelming thing in your life. He can handle it, He can help you through anything.  just remember, God would not bring you up to something that He didn't know you could handle with some help from Him.

go BIG, my friends, and keep smiling. :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

100% sunshine

hi friends :)
how do you feel when you walk outside and see sunshine? i feel happy and free.  sunshine is a beautiful gift from God that is mentally, spiritually, and physically beneficial for you.  the more the better, right?


if all we had was sunshine, would we appreciate the gift?  would we be as thankful, as reverent to our Heavenly Father if we knew we could receive His gifts so easily without ever a reason to appreciate them?  think of it as hawaii; to tourists, it is an awe-inspiring vacation spot, but if those tourists visit the same spot every year, it begins to lose its value as a vacation place, it becomes too routine, and the significance drops.

sunshine is like that. if we receive the gift so often that it begins to lose significance, eventually we don't see sunshine as a reason to thank God.

embrace the gifts we are given...including the clouds.

smiles and hugs :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

beautiful chaos...

hi friends :)

what does your schedule look like? how often do you wish for just an hour of leisure time to just relax? how focused are you at work or school? our lives are a big jumble of plans, ideas, thoughts, wishes, and the actual happenings.  chaos, if you ask me. but it is a beautiful chaos.  that big jumble is a mess from the outside, but with God at our side and a healthy dose of faith and trust in Him, there is a way out, a way to make the best from the mess that is this beautiful chaos.

let God be your event planner, take a break from the stress of the chaos and let Him arrange it as He sees beneficial to you...after all, He is God, He sees everything, knows everything, and is more than capable to take a messy chaotic day and turn it into a beautiful reflection of His plan.

smile, my friends, and relax a little.
the chaos can turn beautiful.

hugs and smiles :):)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

be well :)

hi friends!

thanks to the Walgreens employee i spoke to yesterday, i have a new thought for you all...he was telling me how the company has a new phrase that they tell people.  this phrase, be well, struck me as very important.  not only does being well mean being physically healthy, but all around well. over and under, right to left, up and down, everything in alignment...

since when can we humans attain perfection..? we can't, but God is.  when we let Him be our guide, trust in His incredible plan, and believe that all will work according to Him, our minds and mentalities become well.

it doesn't take a psychologist to tell you that when the different pieces of you are healthy, the whole you is healthy.  when you are healthy, you can be well.

sometimes all it takes is a step back from the controls (i really need to remember this) to let God guide us, and we see our own vibrancy and health shining around us.  God is so good, my friends, let Him be your Guide.  let Him help you to be 100% well.

smile my friends, and be well :)

Monday, May 6, 2013


hi everybody :)
when is the last time you took a roadtrip? they are a lot of fun, aren't they? is life fun? overall, life is pretty you know why? because life is a roadtrip.

the goal of a roadtrip is to enjoy the journey just enough to keep the anticipation for the destination high.  in life, we see every experience as good, bad, or normal.  the normal is like the long stretches of interstate, calm and regular.  the bad might be the terrible gas mileage of your vehicle or that annoying click your car makes (personal experience).  the good is the time spent with your travelling partners, the memories made, but also the knowledge that when you reach your destination, it will be worth every single second, good, bad, and normal, of the trip.

appreciate all moments of life, my friends.  although you might have a bad day, it is still one day closer to our heavenly destination.  enjoy what God has given you, relish the beauty of today.

safe travels!
smiles everyone!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

just keep swimming...

a blue fish taught us all a valuable lesson...when the road seems impassable, just keep going, keep pushing, if its meant to be, it will be. well its finals time in the semester which means those of us in school are over stressed, over-caffeinated, and sleep deprived. you know what?

besides attempting to cut down on caffeine, get some sleep, and get some valuable nutritious food..that stress won't go away until its cause goes away..

i can't make the end of the semester come any more quickly, but i can tell you to keep swimming. every day, make sure you accomplish at least one extra thing than the bare minimum...the end is near.

best wishes and good luck!

keep swimming! (and smiling)

if you don't have finals...keep swimming through whatever big stressor you have right now...God made a way for us to survive, and He promised to not expect more of us than what we can handle. believe Him.

stay strong my friends!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

a healthy brain

hello everyone!
your body requires lots of different things to run efficiently, that much is obvious. good-for-you food, water, oxygen, sunlight, the list goes on...


the brain requires more than the physical healthy helpers.  the brain needs happiness, pleasant interactions, positive outlooks.  your brain needs to be happy.  all the good-for-you stuff only works when you have positive emotions.  those positive emotions cause happy things to flow through your body, and in turn cause a fully functioning brain, body, soul, and smile.

take time to spend with your family and friends, read a good book, eat a piece of chocolate, take a nap, drink extra coffee, eat cool-whip from the container, do the same with nutella...all these are simple things you can do to send some positive emotions through you.

don't forget, a smile can also send happiness through you :)

so my friends, go out, be happy, and focus on giving yourself a healthy brain!
hugs, smiles, and sunshine!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

don't forget to look for the blessings...

long time no talk my has become crazy busy. one thing i notice when i become overly busy is that i forget to notice all the blessings in my life. i feel as if i am not the only one...any of you have that week when you are so busy that you forget not only to be thankful, but you also fail to notice all of God's blessings? its a terrible thing, but it seems so very common.

here is a fix that works for me...take a few minutes each morning, besides your normal personal daily devotions, and focus on your beautiful life.  no matter what is going on, there are blessings evident.  take that awful cold shower, the intense traffic (we don't get much here haha), the bad roads (those we definitely get), the long lines...take anything that makes you less than joyful and remember that in that, there is a blessing.  the traffic might be stopping you from being in an accident, the bad roads make you appreciate, and be thankful for, the good roads even more, and those long lines might just mean that once you get to the front, your food will be fresh (happened to me yesterday at Panda Express...fresh fried rice after waiting in a long line!!) whatever the annoyance is just don't forget, God put it there for a reason.  so...

DON'T FORGET TO LOOK FOR THE BLESSINGS...they are there, somewhere. take joy in the search and move on in life...every day when you wake, remember, God gave you that morning, so be happy, thankful, and humble.

don't forget to smile either...
love, hugs, blessings, and smiles...