Friday, June 28, 2013

100% sunshine

hi friends :)
how do you feel when you walk outside and see sunshine? i feel happy and free.  sunshine is a beautiful gift from God that is mentally, spiritually, and physically beneficial for you.  the more the better, right?


if all we had was sunshine, would we appreciate the gift?  would we be as thankful, as reverent to our Heavenly Father if we knew we could receive His gifts so easily without ever a reason to appreciate them?  think of it as hawaii; to tourists, it is an awe-inspiring vacation spot, but if those tourists visit the same spot every year, it begins to lose its value as a vacation place, it becomes too routine, and the significance drops.

sunshine is like that. if we receive the gift so often that it begins to lose significance, eventually we don't see sunshine as a reason to thank God.

embrace the gifts we are given...including the clouds.

smiles and hugs :)

1 comment:

  1. Sooo true! God gives us clouds or sunshine when He sees that we need one or the other. I love your encouraging thoughts. Keep posting! :)
