Sunday, March 24, 2013

don't forget to look for the blessings...

long time no talk my has become crazy busy. one thing i notice when i become overly busy is that i forget to notice all the blessings in my life. i feel as if i am not the only one...any of you have that week when you are so busy that you forget not only to be thankful, but you also fail to notice all of God's blessings? its a terrible thing, but it seems so very common.

here is a fix that works for me...take a few minutes each morning, besides your normal personal daily devotions, and focus on your beautiful life.  no matter what is going on, there are blessings evident.  take that awful cold shower, the intense traffic (we don't get much here haha), the bad roads (those we definitely get), the long lines...take anything that makes you less than joyful and remember that in that, there is a blessing.  the traffic might be stopping you from being in an accident, the bad roads make you appreciate, and be thankful for, the good roads even more, and those long lines might just mean that once you get to the front, your food will be fresh (happened to me yesterday at Panda Express...fresh fried rice after waiting in a long line!!) whatever the annoyance is just don't forget, God put it there for a reason.  so...

DON'T FORGET TO LOOK FOR THE BLESSINGS...they are there, somewhere. take joy in the search and move on in life...every day when you wake, remember, God gave you that morning, so be happy, thankful, and humble.

don't forget to smile either...
love, hugs, blessings, and smiles...


  1. Great to hear from you, friend! :) Good thoughts to hear!

  2. Appreciate your thoughts, as always! Love ya! :)
