Tuesday, July 31, 2012

in the absence of light...

there is no such thing as darkness. what we refer to as dark is really just an absence of light. think to the last time you sat in complete 'darkness'...how did you feel? and i don't mean that wonderful feeling right before you fall asleep. is there a sense of fear or uncertainty in the dark? a lot of people hesitate to sit in completely darkened areas without a legitimate reason. not all people, i had a roommate in college that held a strong dislike for light...i do believe our curtains were always closed and the overhead lights only on if they were absolutely necessary. back to the point...in that absence of light you are remembering, do you think how you were feeling could have been different? the next time you have a spare five minutes, go to a quiet place and make it very dark. sit calmly and think about sad things, or frown. how do you think you will feel? i am quite sure that your feelings will not be positive. now try again, only this time, smile, laugh, and think about happy things. did the darkness disappear? in the absence of light, it does not take physical light to correct the absence, it only takes a positive outlook. from now on, any time you are feeling blue, or like you are sitting in a dark area: smile. you will feel better.

love, love, love! (and smiles) :):)

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